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Edinburgh Film Festival Talent Lab

I’ve just come back from the Edinburgh Film Festival where I was chosen to be part of the Talent Lab. I had the most incredible time meeting inspired and motivated filmmakers from all walks of life! The EIFF Talent Lab was set up in 2011 to give up-and-coming filmmakers the opportunity to learn from and meet some of the best filmmakers in the industry. It was an intense four days of meetings, networking and learning!

We were given the opportunity to pitch our feature films ideas to a panel of industry professionals. It was the first time I’d pitched in public so I was very nervous. When I pitched my film there was a moment where I went completely blank, but I stopped, composed myself, and carried on. Amazingly my pitch won ‘BEST STORY’! I couldn’t believe it!

My biggest highlight from the trip was meeting the other filmmakers on the lab and hearing all their stories of how they got to where they are now. It was very motivating to have so many like minded people in one location!

Despite the huge collaborations that are involved with filmmaking it can be very lonely at times. The Talent Lab is a great way to meet like minded people, for any directors, producers and writers out there I would highly recommend applying next year. You will honestly have the time of your life! It’s such a wonderful initiative!

I would like to say a huge thank you to Holly Daniel, Maija Hietala, Mathew Niccolls and the festival for having me.

I’ll be back soon! x


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